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SommTable Three Bottle Monthly Discovery

SommTable Three Bottle Monthly Discovery

we know that wine tasting can get esoteric;
lots of swirling and chewing,
holding wine legs up to the light.
what does leather smell like?
can one really taste terroir?

we think wine is about more than developing a professional palate.
it’s the story of weather, timing, talent,
providence, and bloody hard work.

but most of all,
for the benefit of your pleasure,
wine is personal.

they say that smell is the strongest sense we have tied to memory.
we say engage your inner dog,
get your nose down in there.
you may just catch a trace of something
you really want to follow.

that's why SommTable exists. to challenge the sensory quo. find what feels good in the glass. what's yummy. 

each monthly wine drop contains 3 bottles. wine country locals, our global neighbors. vino that's delicious. wine we're drinking. discoveries you'll delight in. 

join us by filling out the form.

have questions? see our FAQs here.

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